Marketing Lessons from Walt…the PDF

Marketinglessonsjpg It started innocently enough. 

  • I write a marketing blog. 

Add those factors together and voila — blog posts about the marketing wisdom of Walt.  It evolved into an 8-part series that was a blast to think about and write.

Then the marketing whirlwind that is CK posted a very kind review of the series and said "Drew, here’s an epiphany if you’ve not yet thought of it: repackage this content into a PDF for your clients and prospects (and we bloggers) and send them a special-delivery holiday package from Mickey!"

She then went on to suggest a slight variation to the infamous ears to better reflect the content.

Who could resist?  So slightly after the holidays, here’s the Marketing Lessons from Walt PDF.   I hope you will not only enjoy it, but nod your head once or twice and maybe even make an inspired shift in how you’re  marketing.

Download marketingwalt.pdf

Update:  CK honors her promise and dons a snappy set of ears and pig tails to promote the PDF.

And Gavin Heaton adds his take on opening your ears and really listening at Marketing Profs Daily Fix.

Thanks to you both for using your voice to share the PDF!

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